5 Habits To Follow In 2020

5 Habits That Can Change Your Life

1) Wake up at 4 AM.

     Waking up at 4 in the morning provides you with some extra time which you can use to get  ahead of your contemporaries. Imagine you want to workout but don't get enough time for it in your tight schedule. How are you going to manage your body? Wake up at 4 AM.

    This does not mean your reduce your sleep hours. It just means that you go to bed early and wake up early too.Yes, this the key with which many people have become successful. You can use the few extra hours of day to your benefit. Maybe you want to work out, meditate, finish your homework, plan your day or even do something fun. This is one of the best things which most of us lack.

2) Take cold shower as soon as you wake up.

     You might wonder if this thee key to success or is a way to get cold. Well, it is a way to activate your body and so that you don t feel sleepy.Researches say that taking a cold shower in the morning has got tons of benefits.
It promotes fat loss.Cold water allows the body to burn the good fat 15 times higher than normal rates
It improves circulation. Cold showers increase metabolic rates and allow good blood flow.
Cold showers are also believed to reduce stress levels.
One study found that cold showers increases testosterone levels. 
Its got many other benefits like lowers depression rates, drains lymphatic system and much more. So why not give it a try?

3) Productivity Journal

     Who doesn't get loaded up with tasks? Due to this many of the important tasks get delayed. Use this productivity planner now to prioritize your tasks. Quality is better than quantity. Writing and prioritizing your tasks will make you feel more engaged in your task.

4) Habit Calendar

     What gets measured, gets improved. This is how it works. You write down all habits you want to keep track of. Then you check mark each habit as you complete. And then you reward yourself.
Just download a habit calendar and get started now!!!

5) Exercise

     It not only gets your body in shape but also forms a discipline. It gets you into a sort of regularity.
It improves blood circulation and increase flexibility., so why not exercise for 1 hour daily .


  1. Very Nice and helpful blog. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.

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