Let's dream again

                                                                     Remember when we were small, we would say I want to be a pilot, another would say I want to be something else. We all had something common in us which got lost as we grew up. And that was dreams. We lost our dreams and started dwelling with the real life.

I was talking to one of my friends recently and I asked him what his dream was. I was surprised that he said he was completely lost and was just living in the present. I instantly told him to start thinking about his dream, About what he wants to achieve in life , about
what his aim and purpose is. Well why did this happen ?

People around us told that if you earn a normal living,get married and able to afford a house is all what you can do. There was a limit bar put on us and so we couldn't think beyond.

But friends, Its time that we "redream our dream". 2020 has come and its time. And do you know why? Well here is why.....

To not have any regret that I could have done this but couldn't...... To avoid those things. At the end of the day, most of us want to see what all things we accomplished, what were the changes we brought to the society, how did we help our community. By not dreaming, you are just limiting yourself to what you could do as compared to what you can do.

Second reason is that dreamers are changers. The biggest changes in the world were made by the biggest dreamers. Yes that's true. Someone thought that here these buildings would flourish, someone thought that . Nicola Tesla, Edwards and who not didn't dream big and made it a reality.

The world needs people like us who actually want to bring about a change. Sitting on your comfy bed and watching YouTube whole day doesn't serve the purpose. We need to step out and find ways how a dream could be made a reality.

So finally, how do I begin ? 

First sit down, and write your dream in your diary. This is so that you feel more engaged towards achieving it. Make sure you don't dream of too many dreams as it will decrease your focus.

Next, you have to break down the big dram into small steps. This will make the dream look e
asier to achieve. Even when you achieve the small steps you will feel more confident.

Then you have to note down all sorts of resources you might require to achieve the dream.

You also need to evaluate how you are progressing and how you can improve accordingly.

Finally don't forget to celebrate each stepping stone because success comes with a reward.

One must have big dreams, no matter related to what , they just be big. You must tick to them like a magnet or else they will.leave you like a balloon. You must always keep reminding yourself about the dream you are living for else you will not be motivated to take action. Never be afraid of what you have been achieved always be excited about what more you can achieve.

Don't forget, there is no better time to dream than now, so start today and follow the above steps and win whatever you play.


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